الاثنين، 7 يوليو 2014

This Week in Social: Google Acquires Songza and Reading Rainbow Makes a $5 ...

Here's what's trending on Twitter this week.

Hootsuite @hootsuite

This week in social: ow.ly/yLrqF Reading Rainbow makes a $5 million comeback

06 Jul

This Week in Social: Google Acquires Songza and Reading Rainbow Makes a $5 Million Comeback

This week's big news on the social web include a highly successful Reading Rainbow Kickstarter campaign, and Songza's new home in the Google family.

Sky Sport News HD @SkySportNewsHD

Schweinsteiger: "Hoffe, das Dante spielt." Hier Ausschnitte aus der PK am Nachmittag ow.ly/yPFtO #ssnhd #wm2014 #aneurerseite

06 Jul

Schweinsteiger: "Hoffe, das Dante spielt"

Bastian Schweinsteiger würde seinem bayrischen Teamkollegen einen Einsatz bei der WM wünschen.

Hootsuite @hootsuite

How to schedule your Flickr posts and get maximum engagement from your followers: ow.ly/yI7ZP

04 Jul


Batch upload and schedule your photos to Flickr from Hootsuite! Upload your photos from your computer, Instagram, Google Drive, Facebook or select from many other source. The Flickr app allows you to view streams of…

Hootsuite @hootsuite

Social data can bring you closer to your customers. Here's how: ow.ly/yI8WD

04 Jul

The Path to Social Media Intelligence: Assessing Your Organization

Download this guide today to find out where your organization stands on the three-step journey to social media intelligence.

Patrick McEnroe @PatrickMcEnroe

Thank you @Wimbledon

06 Jul



Marcus Jürgensen @Sky_MarcusJ

Positive Nachrichten von Martin Schwalb. Der Handball-Trainer konnte nach seinem Herzinfarkt die Intensivstation verlassen.#ssnhd

06 Jul



Taft Price @TaftPrice

Hot and humid today in Tulsa with a high of 95 degrees. Add the humidity in and it will feel like 100 degrees this afternoon! @KJRH2HD

06 Jul



Will DuPree @willrdupree

Police are looking for a suspect after a shooting at a south Tulsa apartment complex. I'll tell you how you can help, coming up on @KJRH2HD

06 Jul



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